Sunday, December 9, 2012

Crafty Sunday

I embarked on a crafting adventure today. I have a list of things I want to do with Callie so I had to get going. I decided to make a quiet book for Griffin for Christmas but since I was making one for him I couldn't leave Callie out and needed to make 2! It was going to be a surprise but I couldn't keep it to myself. Plus Griffin is too little to read my blog, he he, so don't tell him. So far I only have one page complete and plan to do at least 2 more but it is so cute! It's advanced for both of them but Callie still likes to play with it. She was a good test kid to make sure the pieces worked and she couldn't choke on them. I had to make them bigger than I wanted to make them safe but oh we'll.
The tree has buttons so you can attach the garland and the light shaped ornaments. When they aren't in use you store them in the present on the opposite page. I LOVE it! I have plans to make Callie whole books of activities to help keep her entertained out in public besides with the iPhone. I don't want her to be the kid that always has to have tv.
The other activity was to make handprint ornaments out of salt dough with Callie's handprint. I made 15! They are cute but still need to be painted and hung on ribbon. Ill finish that tomorrow.
Phew what a busy day at our house. Callie also has been extra fussy about her new teeth coming in. That and her lingering boogies and cough make a irritable baby. She is doing better though so hopefully in another few days she will be good as new.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! You are a crafting queen. Griffin feels Callie's pain, he has a second molar coming in and he pooped 7 times today. Once in the bathtub. EEK!


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