Thursday, July 30, 2015

Clean up

I forgot my phone Wednesday when we had an awesome beach day. Sorry you'll have to imagine the warm waters and splashing kids among the sun and palm trees. I did get a photo of the kids getting washed up after the beach...
And today I worked all day. But now I have three days to have fun so get ready for some fun and photos!! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Camping night

Callie wanted to camp with GiJu. GiJu agreed to sleep in the tent at night with Callie. I on the other hand prefer to sleep indoors in my bed. But I set up the tent for them and we had a fire and smores. They are out on the deck in the tent now but definitely not asleep yet. 15 more minutes until I move her to her own bed if she is still not sleeping. I'd bet a lot of money she doesn't actually sleep in the tent....

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Yard Sales and Selfies

Callie has been having a lot of difficulties with her breathing still. We brought her to the allergist last week and she has a really bad dust mite allergy. So on our list of things to do was have a much cleaner house, get rid of all the stuffed animals, cover the mattresses and pillows, and do a big clean up. All last week I cleaned and made a huge pile of stuff we needed to get rid of. So we had a big yard sale today! Callie was a trooper about selling all her things as you can imagine she didn't want to. But it did help they have been out of her room for over a week already. We were able to sell nearly every item we had out in only 3 hours! It was very successful! Mostly thanks to Juan who was wheeling and dealing in Spanish.
Hopefully the clean environment, allergy covers, hepa filter, and all the changes make a big difference for her. If you are reading this I am specifically asking you to NOT buy her any more stuffed toys as she won't be able to keep them. :(
Since it was so hot we went to the mall to cool off and beat the heat. We played on the indoor playground and got lunch.
In the afternoon it was sweltering. When the sun finally started to set we were outside enjoying the cooler air and took a group selfie with crazy faces. Callie thought this was hysterical. She even took one of just herself.
And last but not least Calloe and GiJu singing you are my sunshine at story time this afternoon.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Water park

It been hot! AND GiJu is here! So to cool off we spent some time playing in the splash park. The kids just  this place and it is really fun, close, and cheap. Diego just can't get enough of the water. He doesn't mind getting sprayed in the face, soaking, dripping wet and he always goes back for now. We sure had fun!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A pool for each

It was hot today and we swam this afternoon. Most of the time we were all in the hot tub but I can't get any photos of that as my hands are busy keeping two kids afloat. But at one point D wanted to play in the kiddie pool... A pool for each kid!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What's new with D?

I feel like I have neglected Diego lately. I was so focused on figuring out Callies issues I haven't mentioned all the new things Diego does.
He talks a LOT! He says: hi, bye, thank you, gracias, up, no, yes, doggy, Callie, mama, mommy, papa, dada, snack. He also repeats a lot of words if he hears you say something.
He wants to walk up and down the stairs. He does ok with a single step. He's still getting the hang of it but uses our fireplace hearth as a practice step. I got him on video today.
He no longer drinks from a bottle and doesn't drink any formula. Only regular milk and water in straw cups.
He plays pretty well with Callie and copies a lot of things she does. He LOVES anything with water and outdoors or dirt/mud. He favorite inside things are cars and balls. However he has a bear he sleeps with and carries around everywhere. Sometimes he puts it in the baby highchair Callie has and pushes it around. It's pretty cute.
His favorite foods are anything bread or sweet. He loves dessert!
Music makes him dance and he has some interesting dance moves. When we laugh he laughs back at us. And he loves to copy people, when Callie coughs he coughs back at her, barks at the dog, and wipes and sniffs his nose like Juan.
He's a funny little guy with quite the growing personality.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Papa and the kids

I've been busy so don't mind theack of posts. But Callie and Diego have been enjoying time with Papa. From watching the ipad to growing pumpkins! Yes that's right they are growing pumpkins from seeds, check out how big already!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Good News Friday

Let's just break the good news first! I got to speak with an office assistant from the cardiology office who told us the results of Callies ECHO were normal! The cardiologist is away on vacation for a few weeks so we won't hear more details from him, but a label of normal is good enough for me.
Juan took some time off work so we could do something fun with he kids after all the chaos and stress lately. We went to the beach and met up with Christian and Ford and also Grandpa stopped in to eat lunch. Diego loves the water. We couldn't keep him out of the water until he was shivering and then I made him get out. After nap time we went out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa and celebrated the good news. And tonight I'll sleep just a little more deeply and rested knowing Callie's heart is ok.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Beach Party

I haven't written much if anything about Callie's saga with high blood pressure. It was first noted at her three year check up and has persisted as very high over the last few months. She is going through a full work up to check and make sure there isn't a major cause. It's been stressful and coordinating all these appointments is not easy nor fun for Callie. We finally got to the point of more advanced tests. Today was her echocardiogram and she had to be sedated for it. So we were to keep her up very late at night and also wake her very early in the morning so she would be overtired and sleep during the entire procedure.
What do you do to keep a 3 year old up 4 hours past her bedtime? Well you plan a beach party to watch fireworks with friends. Yep on a Wednesday night :) we had a fabulous time with the fire, sand, water, tent, smores and fireworks! Kristen came down with her kids and added to the fun. Thanks for being a good sport and making a not fun experience into something special for Callie. She sure had a great time and will talk about it for a long time to come. I also really enjoyed having some special time with Callie amidst the not very fun times of doctors appts. It was a really fun night and we planned it just the night before.
Now we wait for the results and get some rest!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Singing in the sun

My office assistant bought Callie some adorable Frozen sandals and an umbrella. I knew Callie would love the umbrella, I just never got her one as it seemed very impractical, but why not use it to block the sun on a hot day?

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Diegos new 'do

Diego got a new haircut today. A cute little mohawk cut by me. Hopefully it looks cute most days but I'm sure it won't always be so cute when he rubs his head around and wakes up with bed head. Ateast maybe he won't have such a sweaty little noggin.
In the morning I took Callie to her very first movie, Minions. She wasn't too thrilled with the movie but liked the experience of popcorn and theatre. The 90 minutes was a little long for her and she was antsy. When we left I asked her if she had fun and she said not really. But then when she got home and tells the story she says she liked it and wants to go again. Typical toddler...
Since the movie was boring and D was home napping I came home and packed up both kids to go to the park. Juan isn't feeling well so I figured he could have a break and get the kids out of the house. We went to the splash park at the county park. A bargain at $3 a kid! Diego was all about it. He makes terrible faces and cries a bit but then runs right back into the sprinklers and water. Callie doesn't like the water in her face and is more timid when running in the sprinklers. It wore them out as they both had a good nap. What a fun filled Saturday! They wore me out too!