Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Well our plan worked, by not telling Callie it was Christmas Eve she slept in a bit. We actually decided to go downstairs and start coffee and feed the dogs at 6 am when she wasn't up yet. Diego was awake at his faithful 5:15 time as always.

We told Callie that she needed to find Elfie and there was a special thing she wanted to show her. I thought she would be so excited and yelling but instead she just stood in awe staring then went on a sort of random rant. Either way here it is, Callie's surprise Christmas. Once she was opening presents she was in the happy smiling cheery mood. Maybe we just shocked her too much and she hadn't even woken up yet.

We had the best day. FaceTime with our CT family in the morning and then presents and breakfast at Grandma and Grandpas and we stayed all the way until dinner playing with our new toys and just enjoying each other. Callie's big present from Santa was a hello kitty car which she was so excited about. Second runners up were the firehouse dollhouse and the Dora backpack. Or maybe even the wiggling fish game for the bathtub. Watching her face was priceless!

We are so lucky to have all we have but its not about the presents, it's the amazing family and love we have. Sitting around and celebrating Christmas with your own small children is so different than my last 10 years of adult Christmases. They bring bigger smiles, such joy, and just a warm feeling in your heart. I hugged each of my kids a little longer at bedtime tonight because they made our day so special and Juan and I couldn't imagine our lives without these amazing little kiddos. Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you all had as great of a day as us.

Tonight we explained to Callie that Elfie had to go back to the North Pole until next year. She was saying she was going to cry and she didn't want Elfie to leave or Christmas to be over. I spent 30 minutes at bedtime making sure she said goodbye and read her a book, etc. then I heard her singing this made up song on the baby monitor about Elfie going back to the North Pole. Too cute!

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