Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! First off, I want to take the time to say how very blessed we are as a family to have each other and our health. Also to have such fabulous extended families on both sides. Callie has really been enjoying spending time with her family in CT everyday. Today Callie was excited to get up and see if Santa came. Despite how much I thought she grasped the concept, when she came downstairs and I said what did Santa bring under the tree, she still wanted to go see the toys in the basement, since that's where GiJu has all the toys usually. She was nearly crying when I told her she had to stay up by the tree. Once she started opening presents though she really got the hang of the whole idea. Santa sure brought her a LOT of presents in CT and none of them were from Juan and I. Callie coming down Christmas Morning Callie opening a present

She opened all of her presents under the tree and we had breakfast of blueberry muffins, which was her first time for that as well. After breakfast she still had a big surprise waiting, a whole room of Doc McStuffins from GiJu and Papa. They really went all out! She had a Doc pop up play house, a doc dress up outfit, doc stickers on all the walls and all of the doc mcstuffins character talking stuffed dolls. On top of that she had Doc McStuffins ornament set that can be played with like figurines, a doc backpack, a doc magnetic dress up doll, doc coloring book, and 3 doc series books.Her favorite toy by far is Lambie the lamb and she carried her around all day. She also pushed her around in the baby carriage and tried to have her ride on the Elmo train set. She also got a cat piano that can play cat meows instead of regular music notes which she thinks is pretty funny. Callie discovers the Doc McStuffins room

She was so worn out from the morning excitement that we had to wake her from her nap after 3 hours as we were waiting to go to my grandparents house. She got to play with my cousin's kids, Lily and Mason and then played with the adults after they left. She was running around and having a great time. She helped her Great Pa open his new gift of a drill and he let her play with it. She also was having pony rides on everyone's backs around the house and playing chase and peek a boo with my cousin Briana.

 Tonight she called her family back in CA and was showing off all her new toys on facetime before bed. We had such a fun day with all the toys and great family for company. Callie sure was the highlight of Christmas this year, it was all about her. I am not sure she understands Santa only comes one day as when she went to sleep tonight I could hear her singing to herself, "Santa Claus come town" or the Santa Claus is coming to town song. Tomorrow there is a chance of snow! I sure hope she gets to see some snow. Merry Christmas to all!

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