Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today was Juan's actual birthday and we took the kids out to our favorite Hawaiian place for dinner and dole whip! Mmmmm a nondairy ice cream, I'm sold! Diego also likes to see what you do on th phone and ipad now. Check him out trying to play on daddy's phone.

 Diego had a very very rough night last night and just kept crying and crying even when held, rocked, walked, fed. His teeth were just killing him, so we are both exhausted today. He seemed better today and was much happier and didn't get any Tylenol today. The teething bracelets I ordered came in and I love them. They are comfortable, look pretty good and Diego can chew to his little hearts content. He likes it too. Expensive for sure but worth every penny to be sure it's a safe rubber for him to be chewing on rather than the cheap bracelets with painted letters that who knows where they were made.

Also, I thought this video of Callie from the quince was shared but somehow didn't get published, so here it is now. She was dancing a lot more than this but would get sorta shy when she knew she was on video or asks to hold the camera herself, lol

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