Friday, February 19, 2016


Callie got a big bag of beads for Christmas and today we opened it up and tried stringing beads. Both kids were able to string beads. D used ribbon with a tape wrapped end to make it more stiff and Callie used a real needle (dull one) and embroidery thread. I left Callie on her own as I helped D and cleaned up breakfast. In 20 min she beaded the whole necklace. She was proud and it's pretty cool. Manny got his foot hurt in the morning on our walk (he's fine now) and Callie felt bad for him so she made him a necklace too :)
We even wore the necklace to the park to play and built a castle out of sticks in the dirt. A little country flair even when I don't live in the woods anymore. Creativity can come from anywhere in nature.
Diego on the other hand was grouchy and tired all day. He has caught Callies illness and isn't sleeping well with lots of boogers and coughing. Hopefully he feels better soon.

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