Monday, September 17, 2012

Terrible Teething

The last 2 days Callie has been miserable. Crying for long periods of time and screaming in pain suddenly. I didn't notice any odd behavior prior to yesterday but she kept putting her hand in her mouth. I reached my finger in there yesterday and she sure did have a tooth coming in right in the front bottom. We made it through the day yesterday but she was not her usually happy self. She wouldn't play by herself on the floor and sometimes even when I would hold her she would still cry. I tried everything to keep her distracted and happy. The best thing was chewing on a burp rag (a thin one) and cucumber slices.
Today was just like yesterday, crying and crying. She didn't sleep well last night, up every 2-3 hours crying. Then this morning she only took a 40 min nap when she usually sleeps 2 hrs. By 11:30 she was screaming and had been crying an hour with her hands in her mouth, so I have her Tylenol. I don't want to see her in pain but I don't want to give her medicine much either.
I tried to get a photo of her poor gum with the tooth but it was tough. It is on the bottom right side (her right). If you feel in there with your finger the tooth is cutting through the gum and it is sharp!! Poor baby, I can't stand seeing her in pain. Hoping this tooth comes in fast and she can get some relief.

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