Monday, October 12, 2015

To the beach in the rain

It's been so so hot. So on our last day with GiJu and my day off we figured legs go cool off at the beach. Of course then it was strange weather in the morning with clouds, cool weather and even rain at the beach more than once. It didn't stop us and there was no one else there! I tried making Diego a swimming float out of a pool noodle and a onesie and it sorta worked but he still found a way to submerge himself and then he was done with the water. It helped keep him up for the most part but not enough that I didn't need to hold his hand most of the time. Guess it's not an invention that will make me a millionaire. 
Callie and Gij swam all around and far far out for a long time. We played on the playground and had a picnic "lunch", it was so early it might as well been breakfast. We rounded out the night with a fire and smores even though it's so hot still. Callie knows that when GiJu or PaPa comes to stay it's the time to ask because usually I would just say no. But we did it and stayed up late. It was a short visit with GiJu but enough that we don't feel like too much time passes without seeing her. And we will see her for 3 weeks in December and January between her visit and our trip to CT. Yes that's right, after I said we would not go back for a long long time and we are headed back in only 6 months. Tickets are booked officially today!

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