Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Big Girl = Bottom Bunk

Callie has officially outgrown the bassinet of the pack n play she sleeps in. She can now roll both ways in her crib when she is thrashing around. After watching her for ten minutes on the baby monitor I decided she needed to move down to the lower level before she flipped over the side! Callie gets up on her knees then throws herself to the side to roll. She is quite forceful. It's a good accomplishment to roll but a real pain for me because it means it's harder to put her to sleep and we need to watch her more. It took longer than usual to get her down tonight but I'm hoping for a good sleep because I'm exhausted! We haven't had a good night sleep for days and really I haven't slept more than 3 hrs at a time for months! When will she sleep longer?!
I bought a new sound machine on amazon and since I order so frequently I have a prime subscription and they overnighted it to me :) it's a dohm sound conditioner and 1100 reviews said 4.5 star average so we are giving it a try. I'm hoping it's a miracle sleep machine but I won't hold my breath. I'll keep you posted on how it works tomorrow.

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