I can't say I wasn't bummed because I really was. I wanted so bad to cross one more thing off her list and to feel more comfortable about the school situation. But instead of sitting around and sulking we decided to make the best out of the afternoon considering we got to go home by lunch time. We took Callie out for frozen yogurt, to the mall to play in the fountains and then to visit baby Ford and have dinner with Tio and Jeana. Callie was so excited to hold Ford again. I really think she will be a great big sister.
I haven't decided what to do about school. Should I be protective and make her sit in a highchair seperate from the other kids or should I risk letting her eat at the same table as them? Should I make her sit in a chair at the table with a seatbelt so she can't get up and move to take other kids food? Or is it too risky another kid might share with her? I'm going to call the preschool tomorrow and see if Callie and I can come for lunch Friday and see what it's like before I make a decision. It's a hard decision... Anyone who has a great idea let me know please.
Along the same line I am considering canceling her peanut challenge next week. If she didn't pass egg my gut feeling is she will never pass peanut. There is another kid allergic to peanuts at this school so that's already managed. I can't decide if it's even worth the torture to go through it if she isn't likely to pass. I'm waiting to hear back from the nurse or the allergist to make a final decision, hopefully tomorrow.
In the end while I am disappointed she failed the test it's not the end of the world. It's just a food allergy and we can manage. Callie is perfect just the way she is and I love her to pieces.
Callie's favorite part of the hospital was the fish tank that had a Nemo, Dory, and Gil fish in it. Perfect timing for us to bring the finding nemo video.
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