Sunday, March 30, 2014

Visiting baby Ford

We went back to visit baby Ford today for a little longer. Callie was a lot more jealous today getting upset that her daddy was holding the baby. She was tired and grouchy today which probably didn't help. She was up all night last night crying and fussing. I think her belly hurt as she ate too much dried fruit. Today after nap time she had a big poop blow out, that required a bath it was so bad, but then she started feeling better .
Anyways we got to spend some time snuggling Ford. What an angel this baby is. He is just perfect and so darling. He has the greatest poses and is just happy to be held and snuggled.
When we arrived at the hospital there was a fire truck just sitting there and we let Callie sit on it. She was very excited about the fire engine and even wanted me to sing about it at bedtime.
Some of these photos (the better ones) are from yesterday that Jeana took as well.
We love you Ford and are so happy to be your aunt, uncle and cousin. Callie is already calling him the other brother Ford. She seemed confused about the whole Diego vs Ford baby and calls him the wrong name. We said that's the other baby and now she says the other brother Ford. I think it's pretty cute so let's just go with it.

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