Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lemon trees

Today was a busy day. In the morning we went to Hone Depot to get some new succulents for our front yard between the sidewalk and the street. Our yard is currently under major construction with a total overhaul and we decided not to put grass back in this area. After that we went to a fruit tree farm in Bonita to get a new lemon tree. Callie always wants to pick everyone else's fruit trees so I figured it was time to get one of our own. Since her a route thing is lemons in her water I picked lemon tree as what we were looking for. For days Callie kept talking about going to the farm for lemon tree. It was a maze of fruit trees at the place. We asked for help to can find the lemon trees. The nice guy who worked there let Callie pick fruit and showed her different trees. She ate kumquats, strawberry guava and some kind of mandarin orange. We also saw pluots and cherries but they weren't ready to eat yet. We also bought a Mexican line tree for Grandmas house and we dropped it off on the way home.
After nap time we watered our new plants that daddy had planted already then packed up and went to ikea... Again!
This time I needed a closet organizer, a small bookshelf, a rug and a lamp. I was quite successful and found it all!
We have been so busy having fun and working on Diego's room that I forgt to post anything for days... Oops.
We bought all the fabric for his quilt and have been working on his hand made mobile for the last two days. We also were painting canvases for his wall art. We have been busy!
Hopefully before GiJu leaves we will be all done with the nursery.
Tomorrow is going to be really hot and we are planning to just have fun and go to the beach :)

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