Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy 1/2 Birthday Diego

Diego is officially 18 months old! I haven't been that good at taking nice photos of the kids since D turned 1, so I figured for his 1/2 birthday I should snap a few. I actually dressed them in reasonable clothes and went off to the park. Diego was so serious and difficult to get a photo of as he was too busy exploring. I tried my best.
So what is D up to at 18 months?
He is talking a lot. He isn't always clear but he knows a lot of words. He tells me things and copies a lot of what he hears. When I don't understand he drags me to show me things. I think the word of the week has been "come on mommy" as he pulls my hand. He says it all day. Besides that I wanted to show you some of the words e knows so I had Juan video is reading a book we read pretty often. Callie of course has to be jealous and a know it all and interrupt a million times but just ignore her. Usually we do this at bedtime when it's just me and Diego and it's quiet. I hope you are as impressed as I am :)
Diego is generally a very mild mannered little guy who waits his turn and is pretty gentle with people and animals. This week however I saw his mean side as he clawed me one day and pushed Callie down another day. Hopefully we can teach him to go back to his gentle ways.
New things: pretending to jump, new dance moves, goes up and down the front 2 steps alone without holding on (occasionally depending on how brave he feels), goes down the slide alone, is a very picky eater (mostly bread and fruit), and still loves the bus.
Callie at 3.5 years old is into pretend play. She tells pretend stories and will play by herself with dolls creating stories and scenes. She likes to pick out her own clothes and likes dresses and skirts but they need to be comfortable. She is a big helper and loves to be my little assistant in anything that's mommy related. She's is a negotiator and comes up with ways to get what she wants. I'm pretty firm but she is persistent.
Hope that sums up the age we are at. I'm enjoying my extra time home with these two and my long long weekends every week. I'm looking forward to lots more adventures with these two.

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