Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sweaty Sunday

I'm ready for winter. It's been just too hot. The kids got all dressed in their chargers gear for the game and Callie picked a skirt, jersey and jewelry. She's so girly. Of course when I wanted to take a good photo I had a disaster and overflowed my water collection in the garage. It was a big mess to clean up so I only snapped these few which aren't that good. 
In the afternoon it was so hot we went to the mall just to cool off. The kids had a blast on the indoor playground, which was very crowded considering others had the same idea. Then we rode the escalator. Oh the fun in ordinary things :)
I'm hoping for tons of rain tomorrow to cool had own and water our plants.

Oh and in the morning Callie built a "house" out of playdoh while Diego played with the jungle animals. Both were just surrounding themselves with toys. Watching kids make their own ges never ceases to amaze me.

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