Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fussy boy but a chargers win

Diego was incredibly fussy last night and today. I am not really sure what's bothering him exactly, teeth, constipation, his cold. Beats me but he's been crying and whining for 20 hrs straight. Barely sleeping and waking up crying immediately. I got desperate and went out to get fennel tea (a family suggestion) and pedia lax the pediatricians suggestion for severe constipation. I also gave him some Tylenol because he just kept crying so I assumed something hurt. He finally calmed down and fell asleep in the carrier for our evening walk to see the Christmas lights with Callie. He must finally be feeling a bit better as he's been sleeping for nearly 2 hours in the carrier and so I'm just sat on the couch wearing him! He woke up still grumpy and complaining so we decided to go ahead with the pedia lax and it worked it like2 minutes. He pooped a lot and it was pretty hard. Who ever thought before kids that I would be so excited and talking aBout poop so often? Hopefully that was it and he's back to his regular (still not too happy but happier) self. I'm hoping for some better sleep tonight as I'm exhausted. I'm the only person that enjoys work on Mondays so I can get some rest. Seriously I know that's a crazy statement...

Callie had to say bye to her cousin Cole today. She has had so much fun with him over the past long weekend and he is so good to her. He's patient and kind and plays whatever Callie wants to. Here s a few I snapped of them snuggling together over the past few days.
The only positive part of the day was a Chargers win so at least Juan was happy :)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SDSU football

We took Callie & D to their first tailgate and football game for the final SDSU game of the year. We only got to stay for the first quarter as Callie was tired grumpy and fidgety although she didn't want to go home. She was kicking and screaming the whole way back to the car and then passed out on the way home.
She is already asking to go back next year.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday events

Black Friday events included NO shopping. Instead we put up the lights out front as Callie has been asking every single day and the neighbors already had theirs up for Thanskgiving so she insisted we needed ours. We got out the tree and put it up but haven't finished the ornaments just the lights so far.
We spent the afternoon having fun and relaxing with family. Callie has been having so much fun with Cole. They were playing football, coloring, wrestling and even making funny elf faces on my phone. Lots of family time replacing crazy shopping. Just a perfect Black Friday.

And for those of you who didn't see these ones on Facebook...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

What a wonderful day! It was a sunny 85 degrees and we were surrounded by lots of family bs fantastic food at the Chavez house. Callie had so much fun all afternoon playing and seeing her family.
We are so blessed to have such great family both near and far. We saw all our east coast family on FaceTime too.
Callie has been talking about what she is thankful for and if you ask her the first thing she says every single time is D, my brother! It's adorable. She will also name off some random family members and at one point even her dogs. I think she gets the idea.
The kids got their new Christmas pajamas from Grandma and we had to put them on right away. Callie was so excited to take her photo with her elves! So funny!
Here are just a few photos from the day but the best are yet to come from Jeana's camera.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm stuffed! And tired!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Jumping D

I didn't take any photos today as I spent my day just trying to keep 2 sick kids happy. Lucky for you all I have some from a few days ago. And I. Took this video of him jumping in his jumper. He used to just bounce around but now he jumps and jumps, really high!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

D to the doctor

I took D in to the doctor today. His fever has been sticking around at just over 101. It comes down nicely with Tylenol for about 6-8 hours. I brought him to the pediatricians office today and they checked him out. Luckily he doesn't have an infection or pneumonia and they think he looks and sounds really good besides the cough and runny nose. So they feel it's begs to jut let him fight the virus on his own without any medications. I totally agree, but was mostly concerned the fever meant he had an infection. So just lots of love cuddles, nose wiping and frequent nursing as it's his comfort source. Callie also now has a runny nose, which I can't tell if it's something new or related to her coughing cold virus she had. It her way it's two sick kids I my house. I'll be trying to get them well before Thursday so we can enjoy Thanksgiving. Off to bed and hoping for some rest. D had a nice 2 hour nap this afternoon (half of it in his own bed, half with me) and look how cute. He is snuggling his bear. He chooses this bear over the cow blankie thing we got him. If you recall Callie had a flat bear when we went to CT at about 9 months old and we acidentally left it on the plane never to be found again. I bought this replacement but didn't realize it was the bigger sized bear. Callie never took to it and since that day moved on to her "babies" we bought as a replacement in CT. So I gave it to D and he really likes it. His eyes were even partly open and wide open mouth. Quite the sleeping pose. Oh and you may notice his mattress is elevated with a wedge to help with the congestion. We brought that back from when he had it for the reflux.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Los Primos and a sick baby

Callie has been having so much fun playing with her cousins (distant) that are here visiting from Mexico. They are pretty cute together Callie yelling in English and Eileen talking back to her in Spanish. Here's a quick shot I got of all 4 of them together.
Unfortunately D has gotten sicker and now his cough which sounds terrible and makes him cry also is accompanied with a fever. Yikes. I called the pediatrician and they can see him tomorrow morning so I'll be staying home tomorrow to be with him and to take him in to the dr. I'm sure it will be another long night and I already have a headache from lack of sleep. But poor D is not just crying now he really needs holding and comfort.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy birthday Matthew and Brycen

Callie's friends Matthew and Brycen celebrated their 2nd and 4th birthdays today. Callow had so much fun at their party. They had a jumper and a bubble station and a fun pool noodle light saber balloon game (the theme was Mickey Mouse Star Wars). I think Callie finally knows how to jump. For the first time I saw her actually jump in a bouncy house rather than just run around. She still barely bounces compared to the other kids but at least she's got the two feet together jump part now. Thanks for a fun time and Happy Birthday!
Callie went to sleep tonight singing Happy Birthday so it made an impression for sure.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sleep baby sleep

D has succumbed to Callie's respiratory virus. After a whole week I thought he had made it without getting infected but then last night he started with the same deep hurting cough as well as a feeling of being hot (no real fever though). After a long night of me holding him for nearly the entire night he slept In until 6:45 which was some much needed rest for both of us. Today he had trouble napping unless he was held and he was exhausted and crying by bedtime. When he is up and awake he seems much better just like Callie but laying down at night seems to wake this cough and its persistent and rough sounding. Poor D cries after each cough. I'm hoping he sleeps at least some tonight and that he kicks the virus faster than Callie who took a whole week to start sleeping better again. Here's a shot of D sleeping and also one with his crazy hair with Mari from earlier in the week.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Delivering Callie's Christmas list

Callie has been badgering me about bringing her Christmas list to Santa since she saw him at the mall Wednesday. On Tuesday she had made an actual list with Eliana of her desired gifts. It was definitely full of ideas she had seen in stores as well as ideas she has heard us ask if she might want and then a dew random ones, like a loofa. Wtf?! What kid asks for that and does she even know what that is?
Anyways today we went to see Santa. I thought she might chicken out when we got there but she ran from the bottom of the escalator right to Santa and climbed up on his lap withno fear. She talked to him for a few minutes while I got and ready and she eve ate a candy cane he gave her ( I gave her one earlier in the week and she hated it, same exact one...) so it went really well. Too bad for you all I won't share the photo as I'm saving it for a bit.... Don't worry I will share eventually.
In the afternoon we went to have dinner at Grandmas to visit Juan's cousin and her baby who is almost one. Callie just adored him and they were wrestling on the floor at one point. Unfortunately my phone died by then and so I only captured tea time, lol. I wish they loved closer so we could spend more time with them but they live in Texas so it's farther than we would like.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Diego doesn't really have a playpen but he is very good about playing with toys in his crib while I take a shower. I still put pillows behind him as this way if he falls or leans he can get back into sitting and is happier for longer.
He can take all the rings off the stacker now but then wants me to put them back on so he can remove them again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First Santa sighting

Callie is unbelievably excited about Christmas this year. She asks tons of questions about Santa and where he lives. She's already made a wish list and has been asking if Christmas is tomorrow. Tia Mari bought her a Christmas songs cd this week and we put it on in the car today. I've never seen her so enthralled by music. She was quiet and listening to every word. When 1 song was over she'd say another Christmas song please. She just loved it! It is fun but I'm sure by Christmas those 18 songs will get pretty old for me.. Not Callie I'm sure! So thanks Mari for a very much loved gift.
We also went to Target to pick up a few things. They had been setting up the tree and Santa photo area last time we were there. I was walking out and by paying attention when she yelled "Santa"! I said no no not until after thanksgiving. She insisted no he's right there!! I looked and sure enough he was. We walked over and looked at him and she was just silent. I told her we could go back another day and sit on his lap and give him her list. Then that's all she talked about all afternoon was going back to see Santa. It's so cute and really a lot of fun to have kids involved in this whole holiday idea. I can't wait to take her back to get her photo and give him her list. I have a bunch of other holiday plans as well so it will be a fun filled month and a half. I let her decorate the front window with stick on Christmas themed gel clings and she already has the spirit. Just wait for all the lights and decorations!
This morning Callie had snack on the floor while D was playing as she said they were having a picnic. I think this is a sneak peak into them playing together soon. Looks like fun huh?

Monday, November 17, 2014

D sitting

Diego is finally pretty good at sitting. He can sit for 1-2 minutes without falling and sometimes a lot longer. He still doesn't catch himself if he falls backwards so I usually keep a boppy pillow behind him just in case but I snapped a few photos of him sitting by himself today.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Change of Plans

The day was planned for a packed agenda. Family photos in the morning folllowed by babysitting from Tios Bo and Mari so Juan and I could go to a bday outing for a friend at Del Mar racetrack. Unfortunately, Callie got sick and had a long night. She is congested with a terrible sounding cough and a fever and was shivering while burning up in the middle of the night. Some ibuprofen and cartoons while snuggling on the couch worked and she eventually went back to bed. So today we stayed home and lounged in pjs and rested . I did bring Callie in to see the dr this morning just to listen to her lungs and make sure she was ok. She is and they thinks it's just a virus that will run it's course in a few days. In the meantime I'm trying to keep everyone else from getting sick but Callie spreads germs like crazy!
It was the first really cool afternoon of the fall and we went for a walk around 4:30 as the sun was setting. Callie got to wear her new jacket Grandma bought her and she was all excited. I threw a hat an sweater over Ds Halloween pajamas (yes I know it's past season now). And we walked the neighborhood in the cool crisp air. Can you see Ds two teeth in his big smily photo? I think this is the first one without me holding his lip down where you can actually see his teeth.
Hopefully Callie has a better night with her essential oils warmer, humidifier and elevated head of her bed and that she gets better quickly.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Lighting up the tree

As a kid I had a ceramic Christmas tree light in my room for the holidays as long as I can remember. I don't think these were too popular and I honestly thought it was just one of my moms made up traditions. I forgot about this now that it's been many many years since I've seen one. Until that is, my mom arrived with a tree for Callie! GaGa sent her the tree from her house to pass along the tradition. It was missing a star on top and a few lights my mom didn't pack so I ordered up the missing pieces on Amazon and we completed the tree today. Callie has it on all night and at nap time as an extra night light. She can turn the switch on by herself which makes it even more fun. She really likes it but surprise surprise D likes it even more. He is mesmerized by the lights and just wants to touch it. I think we will be in trouble when the real tree gets put up. 
Super cute seeing these kids look at it together. And I'm very thankful to pass on my somewhat odd family tradition. Keeping the movement going. Thanks Gag and Gig.
The only other person I recall having on of these was Taylor. Tay, I hope you have one for your kids too!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gnawing on apples

I learned last week while holding Callie's half eaten apple that Diego likes them too. I was just holding it and thought he was sucking on it but then I noticed it had a bite gone! He scrapes the apple with his two little teeth to get some off and even takes little bites! While he is doing well managing this in his mouth his belly hasn't been as happy digesting these new solids and he has been quite constipated. It's terrible to see him strain and be in pain. I've stuck to typical foods that would make your bowels move; peaches, pears, prunes and butternut squash. Unfortunately it's not working well. Tomorrow he has his 6 month check up so I will see what his pediatrician thinks.
In the meantime here is a photo of D eating apples and the kids at the mall playground from yesterday.