Monday, April 22, 2013

One year checkup

Callie had her one year old check up at the pediatrician Monday. Sorry, lots happened Monday so I decided to spread it out over the week. Callie is a very healthy child besides her allergies. She weighs 24 lbs now! Pretty incredible in a year how much she has grown, from 7 lb 14 oz to 23 lb 15 oz, tripled in weight. That puts her in the 92nd percentile for weight. She also is in the 92nd percentile for head circumference. That's because she has a big brain, that smarty pants. She is catching up in height a little bit, but at 2' 5" she is still only in the 45th percentile. Because of her weight, she will switch from formula to low fat milk instead of whole milk. It's also time to get rid of the bottle, slowly we will dwindle away, and time to increase tooth brushing to twice daily. She likes that so it shouldn't be a problem.
Callie got 4 vaccines on Monday, the pediatrician did a lot of research before she came to see us to ensure it was safe for Callie to have each of the vaccines since she has an egg allergy and previously had a reaction to the rotavirus vaccine (or so we thought but this was before we knew she had food allergies so who knows). She was pretty confident that there shouldn't be a problem and its in her best interest to get them all. The other option was to have her get the vaccine at the allergists office in case of a response, but we decided it would be best to just do it at the pediatricians. We would stay extra long to ensure she didn't have a reaction, we also kept her naked to watch her skin closely. I carry an epipen at all times and the dr office has one there as well. She screamed bloody murder during the vaccines and it was difficult to calm her. She got 4 shots and so 4 band aids and then proceed to pull them all off and play with them. After 12 minutes she did get a small reaction of a light rash on her belly. The dr came back and 2 nurses to watch her for a bit. They took her vitals and she was uncooperative. I knew she was fine because we have been through way worse reactions but the nurses seemed nervous. We decided together it would be best to give her Benadryl to be sure it didn't get any worse. She did fine after that, the rash went away and she had a fine day afterwards. Callie just likes to keep everyone on their toes ;)
Here she is putting her band aids on her dolly.

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