Friday, June 29, 2012

Hot tub stress relief

So no photos today, sorry in advance.

The last 2 weeks I have been working on getting the hot tub fixed and functioning again. I totally neglected it when I was pregnant since I couldn't go in. Now I've drained it, cleaned it and repaired all the leaks (I think, I hope) and tonight was the first day it was up and running! I was thrilled because my shoulder has been killing me from carrying around Callie. She's no peanut anymore, she's a brazil nut! Sorry that's the largest nuts could think of.
So after I got Callie to bed I spent 20 minutes relaxing and unwinding in the hot tub. Ahhh a little peace and quiet and bliss. Now it's off to bed feeling just a little bit better already. I promise tomorrow I'll have more Callie pics, today was about me, you know I need one of those every week or so ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Grasping Elephants

Today I left Callie to play in the bassinet with toys while I took a shower. I came out and she was quiet and actively playing with her toys. She used to just bat at them but now she had her hand holding on to them! She is grasping things in her hand and holding on. Today she had the elephant and pulled on it so it vibrated back which shocked her a little. I was so proud that she could do this already. Later we played with her elephant that has crinkle ears and she was holding his ears and bringing it up towards her mouth. She is growing fast and I can't wait until she can play even more! Gotta love this little monkey!


We went to lunch today with my friend and her 2 kids aged 2 years and 1 year. Callie was exceptionally well behaved throughout lunch and our walk around the mall twice. It was a beautiful sunny day and she can never open her eyes outside so I bought her some sunglasses at a kids store for $2. They are adorable but too big and nonfunctional. Maybe she will grow into them. Don't mind my mess of a hair stuck to my forehead.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Black and White

To make up for my lack of posts here are her black and white photos from her newborn shoot. They are Juan and my favorites.

Crazy time

Sorry for the lack of posts. Callie has been extra crazy lately. I'm not sure if she is going through a growth spurt but she is constantly hungry, wanting to eat and incredibly fussy. Last night she was literally screaming most of the night til we got her to bed. So needless to say we haven't taken any photos of her the last 2 days. So how about a few more of her when she was an adorable 11 day old with the professional photographer.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Manny and Callie

Manny seems to be doing some what better with his new medication. He is up and about more and wants to be right with me at all times. He still acts afraid of random things like grass, the sheets on the bed, and the water bowl. We haven't figured out what that means. We originally thought it might be mini seizures but now with the meds he should be better. The keppra is grape flavored liquid as its a children's medicine. Manny eats it out of his bowl with a few morsels of food. I shouldn't be surprised because he eats anything.
Manny has been snuggling up right on top of Callie. Here he is laying against her back while she is eating.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nicky's Birthday BBQ

Today we went to Nicky's bday BBQ at the beach. It was Callie's first trip to the beach. We stayed at Tammy in the yard just next to the beach to be in the shade but still closest she's been to the beach. Callie wore her new outfit with hat from cousin Carmen which was perfect for keeping the sun off her face. Here are a few from the BBQ.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Callie and the kids

Callie had a busy day today. We went to have lunch with my friend Tammy and she was cute as a button in her purple striped dress. Then this afternoon we had a BBQ with Juan's family from Monterey and she had fun with the kids. She was so good sitting and taking photos with them. Nolan really wants a baby brother or sister and was really into her. He even said e would change diapers! Impressive for. a 7 year old.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Worn out

Callie had visitors all day. Her cousins Carmen, Nolan, and Cole are visiting from Monterey and staying with Grandma and Grandpa. Callie had lots of action and noise all day and didn't sleep much. By dinner I could see she was exhausted. Now that we are home she is asleep at 8:15. Let's hope I'm not jinxing myself and that she stays asleep. Here are some photos Carmen took of her today.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Birthday GaGa!

Today is Callie's great grandma Myrna, or GaGa or Gag as my brother lovingly called her as a kid, birthday! We called her on Skype to chat and say hello. Later uncle chuck or gooberhead(my family has lots of weird names just go with it), called and said he found oovo a different video chat where we could have a conference call, so we did. Here we all are talking and seeing each other. I think it's going to be a great way for those far away to see Callie in action and her to meet more of her family. Everyone is welcome to video chat with Callie just give us a call :)

2 months old!

Today Callie is 2 months old! She's growing fast and getting to be a big girl. I took her photo today with her sticker for our photo book with her each month I am working on. Manny must be feeling a little better because he wanted in on the fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Doctors and vets take 2 or 3

I called the pediatrician today and got to speak with someone in the group, although not our dr. She thinks Callie has contact dermatitis meaning something touching her is bothering her. I can't think of anything but there isn't much they will do for her so I opted not to bring her in unless it doesn't get better by the end of the week. The rash has gotten worse since the dr recommended changing detergents and lotions so I am going back to my homemade products to see if we can clear it up. Hoping the wonders of coconut oil in my homemade lotion is as good as the grapefruit seed extract. Her thrush is now completely gone!
On the other hand, my other baby is also sick. Manny has been acting really weird, confused and scared. We noticed he gets scared of things and runs away, the bigger shock was his fear of his own food bowl! I mean this dog loves his food. Then last night when we finally got the baby to sleep at a reasonable 9:30 Manny started acting extra weird. He was licking and swallowing nonstop uncontrollably for nearly 35 minutes. When I spoke to the vet today she thinks that all these behaviors could be minor seizures. So I picked up Keppra a seizure drug at the pharmacy for him. We are hoping this does the trick and he starts feeling better soon. I am also starting some herbal cures for manny including dandelion root and milk thistle. Hope it works as good as the grapefruit seed extract.
Here is Callie airing out her skin and also after a bath tonight to try and clear up the skin rash.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mobile Amazement

Callie had a mobile at grandmas house during the day that she enjoyed watching. I figured if she likes it there so much we should try at home. We are always looking for things to occupy or distract her from her nighttime frenzy. I bought this adorable one at babies r us (thanks to Jess for the gift card). It has a porcupine (thats what sold me!),owls and a crazy bird all under a flower. She does enjoy watching it go round, but I wish these things were battery operated instead of manual twist. It only lasts a few minutes before you have to twist it again.
She is naked because she has a horrible rash all over we can't seem to get to go away. I was airing her out. We will be calling the pediatrician tomorrow to ask her to see the rash since is not getting better. One current theory is its from her 8 week shots. We will see what Dr Houkum thinks.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Exersaucer and new friends

Yesterday we took out the exersaucer and put it together since Callie likes to be upright all the time. Our living room is already full of baby equipment that she hates so why not add some more stuff? But she actually likes this! We have to pad all around her with a towel because she is so little in the seat sling. Her legs also dangle and are far from reaching the ground, he he.
Our friends Kyle and Meaghan bought Callie this and we are excited to say they welcomed their brand new baby girl into the world TODAY! Congrats and welcome Emma Elizabeth. We hope you and Callie can be friends even across country. We can't wait to meet you when we come visit.
And our other friends Chris and Nelly welcomed their little boy Colin into the world today too. Congrats to all and we are excited for Callie to have some new friends!
So here is Callie in her exersaucer and one of her new friends Emma & Colin too.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

More Father's Day

We had a feast of a BBQ at the Chavez house this afternoon for Fathers Day. Callie slept at least half the time! We took a few photos with daddy and grandpa. She wore her first pair of jean shorts, So cute!

Happy First Father's Day

Callie was celebrating Fathers Day with a relaxing morning at home. She even let daddy sleep in until 9 am and was really good all night :)
She wanted to share the photos we had for part of daddy's gift. We got a good laugh at these ones.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Callie's nails grow so fast. We need to keep them short or she scratches us when she is frantic and gets dirty fingernails! Yuck! Here I am giving her a manicure with nail clippers and a file. I have to do it while she sleeps or she wiggles too much, he he.

Friday, June 15, 2012

New medicines

So day 2 of our new medicine regimen and I'm already not a fan. The thrush medicine is a horrible mess and from what I've read it doesn't even always work. Also the reflux medicine dose is 3 times what it was and she chokes now.
So I have plan! I'm into my natural cures and told the dr I wanted to try coconut oil but she is concerned that bc Callie is so little she could develop an allergy go coconut. So I have another cure now, grapefruit seed extract. I've never heard of anyone being allergic to grapefruit and woud you even care if you were? I wouldn't. So we are going to try this starting tomorrow for a few days. And try splitting up her reflux meds dose into 2 so it's easier to swallow.
Until then here is a pic of her happy hanging out with sad after work.